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Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you ship product from?

We are headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and also have a fully stocked distribution center in North Kansas City, Missouri. These locations provide accessible shipping to points all across the United States and Canada.

Where is your product sourced from?

Our imported fasteners and door hardware are sourced from our longstanding suppliers in China and Taiwan. The galvanized aircraft cable we supply is produced from high quality vendors in Korea. We also have many domestic sources if you require American made product.

If the material is in stock, what is your shipping lead time?

We offer same day shipping on all products in stock.

What secondary processes do you offer?

We have sorting equipment in house to limit any foreign material in the finished product and are also able to have material produced overseas with a guaranteed PPM if required. Should you need fastener heads painted, we can color match the fasteners to your exact specifications. We are able to provide custom packaging of your material.

What kind of stocking programs do you offer?

We have stock and release programs designed to minimize your on hand inventory and overhead costs. We will ship material according to your specific requirements. We can also transfer material between Globe International warehouses prior to shipment to reduce your freight cost.

Are your suppliers certified?

All of our suppliers are ISO certified and maintain approved laboratories.

Who will my sales contact be?

You will always have a direct point of contact within the company who is readily available to answer any questions regarding a product, purchase order, or request for quote. We aim to provide quick responses to your inquiries even if they occur during nights or weekends.

How will my order ship?

Smaller orders ship via UPS Ground. For larger orders, we can either ship with your preferred carrier or via our discounted freight rates we receive from numerous carriers on pallet and truckload orders.

What is your return policy?

All material must be in its original packaging. Returns will only be accepted within 30 days of shipment with prior authorization from a representative of Globe International. Returns will be subject to a 15 percent restocking fee.

Is there a minimum order?

Material must be ordered in carton quantities, but we are otherwise able to service an order of any size.

Have a question? Get in touch with a sales representative.

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